Thursday 15 February 2018


“I was living like half a man
Then I couldn't love but now I can
You pick me up when I'm feeling sad
More soul than I ever had”
-The Beach Boys, Darlin’

Let’s tie a hammock between the electric lines and lie down close to each other, snuggling for each other’s warmth as though we are fireplaces. Trust me, we are safe; for there is no greater surge than the spark between us.
Those watching us will alert the officials saying that they are witnessing a fire, for you are one and I the ice. Sometimes, you outshine, melt me away into nothingness; you ablaze into the night.
Let’s live in denial for a moment and look at the world. Deny whatever there is between us while comforting each other, confirming that we are okay when we are clearly not. Deny the spark and gaze into the moonlight, spotting the Sirius and Canopus. Let’s deny that the world is in chaos and anything and everything is shattered and broken. Deny the possibilities of not having a tomorrow, not existing anymore; because what are we even sure of? Deny all the promises we made to each other and to everyone else, for we will never fulfill them, for we are forever selfish. Deny all the worries pulling you down stronger than gravity. He maybe the weakest force, but sometimes the unseen wind affects you more than a cyclone.
Darling, we are okay in this world of denial. We are not barred, not broken, not hopeless. Let’s ponder here for a while and continue to breathe, shall we?